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Gear & Equipment Season 7

16 February 2023

A brand new season of Itchy Boots Adventures and I am going back to Africa! Africa is a big continent and the weather conditions can vary drastically, depending on location and season. I am beginning this journey in Morocco, traveling south. Because it's still the middle of winter when I'm setting off, I'll be wearing warmer clothing than you might expect for Africa! 

In this blog I am sharing the gear & equipment that I'll carry with me this season.  

Clothing - REV'IT!

I've been wearing REV'IT! Motorcycle gear for years now and I am proud to be a REV'IT! Ambassador. For the past 2 years, I have been wearing their  Dirt Series  line of adventure clothing and I am in love with it. Made for adventure, these motorcycle clothes are extremely lightweight, strong and comfortable. I mainly like that they give me a lot more flexibility to move in when I'm off-roading. They are also CE certified and therefore safe to use on tarmac as well.

I am wearing the 'Proteus' protector body armor and Scram knee protection and on top of that, there is a variety of jackets and pants you can choose based on the temperature and climate you ride in. 

For Morocco and Mauritania, I was wearing either the red-black Jersey Trailblazer or the red Jersey Sierra on top of my body armor. Those matched best with the colors of my motorcycle!

As it was still winter in Morocco, I brought my black Jacket Component H2O. This is the same jacket I had with me in Canada and Alaska. This jacket is waterproof and kept me extra warm in the mountains. In case of serious torrential downpour, I am bringing the lightweight Smock Barrier. 

Now that I have reached Senegal and it is becoming much warmer, I am wearing the Jersey Scramble which is lighter and thinner to get more airflow while I am riding.

For season 7, I am wearing the camo grey Dirt Series Peninsula Pants which I first used for the Baja Rally. After a full 6 day desert race in Mexico the pants still look like brand new, so they're coming with me to Africa now! When I came back to West Africa after the rainy season, I started wearing the red Dirt Series Peninsula Pants.

The same goes for my motorcycle boots. These are the Expedition Boots, I've had these in the last season too and they are still in perfect condition. 

I'll be carrying three different motorcycle gloves with me. Three, you say? I normally carry two pairs of gloves with me, so I always have spare gloves with me. I won't ride my motorcycle without gloves, so they are a very important piece of kit.

Given the possibility of snow in the Atlas Mountains and very cold temperatures, I brought the first REV'IT! battery powered heated gloves with me : the Liberty H2O Heated Gloves. Now that I'm over the mountains and have headed into the West African desert, I have swapped to summer gloves. Those are the grey Dirt Series Caliber gloves. On top of that, for season 7, I've added an extra pair of very thin gloves in case of extreme heat. They are so small and light that they barely take up any space! Those are the red Dirt Series Massif gloves

During the 2022 Baja Rally, I rode with a neck brace because of the extra danger that comes with a desert race. Like with most of my protective equipment, I get used to it so quickly that riding without it afterwards just feels wrong. That's why I decided to keep my neck brace  and also wear it for my Season 7 adventures!

Luggage System - Mosko Moto

Ever since I switched from aluminum panniers to soft luggage, I've never looked back. Now I simply can't imagine all the extra weight that goes with aluminum panniers and pannier racks!

For years in a row now, I have been adventuring with the Reckless 80 Mosko Moto bags. In the world of soft luggage, I don't think any brand understands this better than Mosko Moto. Their gear is just the smartest and toughest! 

The total volume that I carry in the Reckless 80L Revolver (V3.0) is 84 liters : 2 Drybags of 25 liter each,1 Stinger 22L mailbag, 2 removable 4L dry bags and 2 small 2L Molle pouches. 

For a Tankbag, I am using the Hood tank bag (V1.2) again. Inside of it, I have a GIVI USB charging station which is connected to the motorcycle battery so I can charge small devices.

Navigation System

When I was at the Baja Rally, I met Willem Avenant and he was using this tablet at the rally. You can use it for rally racing but it is an Android supported device, so you can use any regular open source navigation app. Here is the link to his website.

That's it - the most important pieces of gear and equipment that I am using in this season. Compared to previous seasons, I am also working with new cameras and drone equipment, which I talk more about in my Itchy Boots Academy. So if you are serious about film making and motorcycle vlogging - check out this page for more information! 



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Dear Noraly, Thank you for the Madagascar 360 video a couple weeks ago. Seeing the scene on the 360 when you were blasted in face with mud made me jump and cringe even knowing it was coming. What timing right after I watched you removing goggles 30 seconds earlier! I know you were laughing wonder you ride alone! LOL
Also thank you for the T-shirt just received. Only took 10 days to arrive to PA USA. Everything I have ordered from you has been high quality and the shirt is no exception. The items are treasured and well used. Look forward to the new design shirts coming. Congrats on gaining 40,000 YT subs in the months since last video. Only you! Hope good health is with you now and our dear Alaska is being pampered. Trying not to think about what the new bike will be. Soon enough we'll know I suppose. Still praying for you everyday. Peace! Love! Respect! Ride Safe!

300Rally  | 

Hey Noraly. Thank you for the newsletter they always make my day😃. I am glad you're doing good and getting ready for season 8. I am looking forward to watching it on YouTube. I tried to order your book. I guess I have to wait for it to come out in the United States. I have been watching episodes from season 4 5 and 6
. I like all your videos thumbs up. Take care and I'll see you in the next video. Later gator. ♥️👍🐊

David55  | 

Hi Noraly!
I know what you mean, the Summer is going by so fast here as well! Getting ready for a trip is always exciting, I'm happy you are feeling that anticipation of what's to come! It will be so exciting for you when you are able to get on your NEW bike and ride.
Thank you very much for keeping in touch , it is always great to hear about what you are up to these days! I so appreciate you taking the time to write when I know you are so busy.
All the best,

PostyUC  | 

Hi Noraly any news on the English edition of your book?

Andy D  | 

Many milestones for you young lady! Sooo glad you're healin' well! GOD(JESUS) Bless Y'all! Lookin' forward to book
(english vers.). Be sure ta take your time healin' well!! Do not risk yourself more(healthwise)than needful! Your Doctor
is your best friend curently, & 2nd opinions surely! Your riden' skills will NOT go away, they seem to always be improvin'
in leaps & bounds! Big cities MAY be more dangerous(motorcyclin'-wise) than the woods(CARS!). Lookin' forward to NEW
bike unveiling! Thanks for checkin' in, we're always interested in your wellbeing, as your kindness to all is very apparent!
You are a BRIGHT Star & a shining example to us all!(on how to treat others, made in GOD's image! regardless of race creed
or color!). The rest of us should play catchup!! We thank GOD for you always! Be WELL! & "LIVE to Ride again, Please!"
plan your moves thot-fully. as you do! you will NEVER be sorry! You have made many GOOD friends in the M/Cyclin' world!
Cherish them, as they cherish YOU! GOD guide your footsteps always! May the road always RISE to meet you & the wind
be always @ your back! Can't wait to get your book! (BLESS the Doctor's who took you in, in Africa!,, Providence's Blessin'!).
Salut et a' bientot! J.f. Seguine, Aus.TX. USA

JfSeguineIII  | 

Happy Birthday Noraly your just the best.
Was thinking of you last weekend when I was riding around in the forests of Hayden Idaho.
God Bless!
Waiting for your new book in english.
Thank You

AT429  | 

Happy birthday, Noraly! I'm really curious about the next adventure later this year.

I bought your book via amazon here in Germany and I am translating it these days into german (just for me!) with the help of some online translators. It's a whole lot of work but obviously well worth it.

30. June 2024

Thomas_57  | 

Congrats on 4th in the debestseller60 this week.

So many interviews!

Grello  | 

Thank you!

Noraly  | 

Hi Noraly,
I've been following your adventures for years and you have inspired me to launch a YouTube Channel myself with a little bit of a twist on the motorcycling experience. You see I have severe Psoriatic Arthritis and the key to living a good life with it is eating right and contrary to popular belief exercising as much as possible!! So I started a channel with my motorcycle experiences, among others things I do (I even feature your inspiration in my intro about my personal story if you can't sleep one night and are looking for something to watch lol) about 6 months ago to try and inspire others like me with Arthritis to listen to that little voice inside their heads and get out there and help themselves, meds are less than half the solution. I hope by seeing me do things (@60 years old) they too will get up  and do more things that they enjoy, the more they do the better off they will be.
To give you an idea of the challenge day to day the meds alone for severe cases require refrigeration and the last one I was on was injected every two weeks. Somewhat limiting in taking off for a motorcycle adventure like yours! Unfortunately that one gave me three types of skin cancer within a month, a known side effect but the med was great while it lasted. But that's dealt with and I've been fine for 3 years. But on to newer meds and these ones although needing to be refrigerated only require an injection every TWO MONTHS. Very liberating.
Why am I telling you this, certainly not a poor me thing, I'm fine! I thought you would be interested in the cascading effect of your inspiration. You're inspiring others in so many ways and this is just one of the hidden ways you help others, hopefully if I'm somewhat successful you'll have made a difference to people with Arthritis too.
I switched over to Instagram to follow you there based on your last short video, and there you mentioned your newsletter, so here I am!
Get well soon, YouTube is just not the same without you,
I'm so looking forward to Season 8!!!!
All the best,

P.S. So glad that Alaska made it home too!

Arthritic.Adventures  | 

Wonderful to see you reunited with Alaska. Glad the recovery going well. Best wishes with the book launch.

As a one of your newer fans its hard to adjust to not having 100+ episodes a week to watch ;-)

Grello  | 
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